Lindsay Huth
Incoming Graphics Intern

Starting June 2019

The Wall Street Journal
Starting June 2019
Incoming Graphics Intern

Starting January 2019

USA Today
Starting January 2019
Graphics and Data Reporter

June 2017 - December 2018

Capital News Service
June 2017 - Present
Request and analyze data, report stories and build interactive graphics and sites for enterprise and investigative projects. Acquired and analyzed Maryland police's traffic stop records and reported on previously unknown flaws in the legally mandated data. Dug into records of statewide pedestrian deaths and reported on the State Highway Administration's failures to address them. Led web development and data analysis of court records for an investigation into plea bargain system.
Dow Jones News Fund Data Journalism Intern

June - August 2018

Kansas City PBS
June - August 2018
Reported and wrote data stories and produced maps and charts. Conducted spatial analysis of government's summer meal sites for kids and reported on underserved rural areas. Used graphics to explain area population trends and the city's car auction.
Data Journalism Intern

January - May 2018

U.S. News and World Report
January - May 2018
Produced graphics and reported data stories covering economics, immigration and health. Analyzed data and created graphics for investigation into military hospitals, which prompted the Defense Health Board to review its surgical practices. Re-established the Data Mine blog, where I used nuggets of data to shed light on current headlines.
Reporting Intern

January - May 2017

American Press
January - May 2017
Covered hard news, arts and events for 38,000-subscriber daily paper. Earned 72 bylines, with nearly 40 percent of stories landing on front page. Launched a four-month weekly cover series focused on seniors, and managed and wrote weekly restaurant reviews.
Web Design Intern

May 2014 - July 2015

May 2014 - July 2015
Led redesign of multiple client websites, including St. Louis' tourism site,, from wireframes to final visual design.
University of Maryland, College Park
M.J. — Multiplatform Journalism (2019)
Concentration in computational and data journalism, 3.90 GPA
University of Notre Dame
B.A. — Visual Communication Design, Psychology (2016)
Magna cum laude, 3.89 GPA
Graphics + Web
D3.js, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML/ CSS, Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere), Bootstrap, WordPress, Carto
Data analysis
R, RStudio, Python/pandas, Jupyter notebooks, QGIS, SQL, MySQL Workbench, Excel, APIs, web scraping, Git/Github
AP Style
  • IRE Award Finalist, Student - Large (2018)
  • Panel Speaker, IRE Conference (2018)
  • SPJ D.C. Pro Dateline Award Finalist, Online - Non-Breaking News (2018)
  • Online News Association Student Newsroom (2018)
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